George Jiang – Jasper52-2

Jasper52-2古代俄罗斯帝国双鹰图国徽。The double eagle figure national emblem of the ancient Russian Empire, the double-headed eagle pattern first appeared in Russian official documents in 1497, and it became the main pattern of the national seal used by Ivan III. Grand Duke Ivan III of Moscow married Sophia Paleolio, the niece of the last emperor of Byzantium, Constantine XI. The pattern of the owl symbolizes Russia’s succession to the Byzantine dynasty. Beginning in the 17th century, a scepter symbolizing the power of the monarch and a golden ball symbolizing national unity were added to the left and right claws of the double-headed eagle; A crown was added above the two eagle heads of the crown; in 1667, during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, he specially issued a document to explain the national emblem, saying that the three crowns represented Kazan, Albania and Kazan respectively. The Three Kingdoms of Strahan and Siberia; Reign of Peter I
At that time, the color of the national emblem was officially determined as a black double-headed eagle on a golden background.
双头鹰由来可追溯到公元15世纪。双头鹰原是拜占庭帝国君士坦丁一世的徽记。拜占庭帝国曾横跨欧亚两个大陆,它一头望着西方,另一头望着东方,象征着两块大陆间的统一以及各民族的联合。1453年,曾辉煌一时的拜占庭帝国被奥斯曼土耳其帝国灭亡,拜占庭皇帝君士坦丁十一世英勇战死。他的两个弟弟,一个臣服于奥斯曼帝国,另一个带着两个儿子和女儿索菲亚·帕列奥洛格逃到罗马。后来,这两儿一女在其父死后被罗马教皇抚养成人。当时的罗马政治家们为了借助俄罗斯的军事力量抵御土耳其人,便用联姻的方式将索菲亚许配给了莫斯科大公伊凡三世。索菲娅由此佩戴着拜占庭帝国威严的双头鹰徽记来到了俄罗斯。索菲娅协助夫君伊凡三世把俄罗斯的土地基本上联合到一起,形成了一个疆域辽阔的统一的国家。1479年,双头鹰作为国家徽记首次出现在俄罗斯的国玺上,1882年沙皇亚历山大二世将双头金鹰国徽的形式固定下来,直至1917年被十月革命后苏维埃政权废除。俄罗斯国徽_百度百科 俄罗斯等国国徽上的双头鹰源自何处