George Jiang – Jasper52-27


江河,白牡丹《芳香宜人》,四尺斗方, 宣纸。


中国牡丹一代大师-江 河(1934年-2018年),师从国画大师李苦禅,在苦禅门下学习八年。


《人物周刊》 2004年第12期介绍曰:清清翠竹风、白白牡丹香。 江河 画的牡丹,出奇入神,栩栩如生。花、枝、叶、茎尽展名花风采,醉人入迷而使人爱不释手,真不愧是齐白石的名下,李苦禅的开门弟子!在中国乃至日本画牡丹的人很多,可以说数不胜数,但能把牡丹这名花的形、神、色、意表现得如此淋漓尽致的人,那可就凤毛麟角了。所以人们说,江河先生就是当代的“牡丹王”,可说是名副其实的。

          Jianghe, White Peony “Pleasant Fragrance”, four feet square, rice paper.
“Peony rises alone from the tower” is the inscription praised by Qi Baishi’s most proud disciple Li Kuchan for Jianghe peony paintings.

Jiang He (1934-2018), a generation of peony painting masters in China, studied under Li Kuchan, a master of Chinese painting, for eight years.

Jiang He was born in Luoyang, the hometown of peonies.Lived in Beijing in his later years. He learned to paint peonies from his mother since he was a child. After Jiang He became an adult, he paid homage to famous teachers. Wang Xuetao, Dong Shouping, Sun Qifeng, Liu Jiying, Hu Jieqing, Zhu Lesan and other famous flower and bird painters once taught him. Jianghe’s peony paintings are unique in the creation of peony paintings by combining the strengths of each family and integrating their own experience. He is good at creating Chinese paintings with themes such as peonies, lotus flowers, and eagles, especially the elegant and refined white peony paintings, which are widely acclaimed in the industry. His works are collected by China Zhongnanhai, the State Council, the Great Hall of the People and other institutions.Collected by dignitaries of many countries. Overseas, his works are collected by many international celebrities such as Samaranch, the lifetime honorary chairman of the International Olympic Committee, and the chairman of the International Olympic Committee Collection Committee. His works were cast into gold and silver coins by the United States Postal Service during the Obama period. 

        Jianghe’s 4-foot bucket and 4 square-foot white peonies were sold for 450,000 yuan at the charity auction of the “Great Chinese Culture Global Association” in Hong Kong in 2007.