george-jiang-jasper52-38,日本雪舟人物画 老子。15世纪,XUE ZHOU ,名等杨,又称雪舟等杨。生于备中赤浜(今冈山县总社市)。雪舟是日本划时代的画家,是日本水墨画特别是水墨山水画的完成者。曾入相国寺为僧,可能随同寺的山水画家周文学过画。作品广泛吸收中国宋元及唐代绘画风范。后被维也纳世界和平大会通过决定公认他为世界文化名人。他卓越的成就,不但标志着十五世纪日本绘画永远令人景仰的高度,更重要的是,通过他非凡的才能和忘我的劳动,在水墨苍劲、减笔泼墨的表现基础上,创造性地结合着日本人民的思想感情,终于出色地形成了自己的民族风格,继承并发展了日本民族绘画的优秀传统,丰富了日本的文化内容。日本人民一致尊崇他为“千古之一人”、“古今之画圣”,这是完全可以理解的,也是非常自然的。In the 15th century, XUE ZHOU, named Dengdang Yang, also known as Xuezhou Dengdang Yang. Born in Bitchu Akahama (now Soja City, Okayama Prefecture). Sesshu is an epoch-making painter in Japan and a completer of Japanese ink painting, especially ink landscape painting. He once joined Xiangguo Temple as a monk, and may have painted with Zhou Wenxue, a landscape painter of the temple. His works widely absorb the painting styles of Song, Yuan and Tang dynasties in China. Later, he was recognized as a world cultural celebrity by the Vienna World Peace Conference. His outstanding achievement not only marks the eternally admirable height of Japanese painting in the 15th century, but more importantly, through his extraordinary talent and selfless labor, he creatively combines It has finally formed its own national style, inherited and developed the excellent tradition of Japanese national painting, and enriched the cultural content of Japan. The Japanese people unanimously respect him as “one of the eternal people” and “the saint of painting in ancient and modern times”, which is completely understandable and very natural.